The trash thing is the downfall of the majority of HOA community airbnbs. Ive tried hiring people to drive the loop each trash night, I've tried hiring a neighbor to take it out and back for $20 per week and had ok results. I've even thought of a share economy app i'd call Curbie. Ive tried hiring people off Offerup and craigslist who claim trash and waste disposal. Looked into the extra pickup per week service on the official waste management website as well as frequently getting extra bins to the home. Of course we put stickers on the trash bin, in the welcome book and even direct airbnb messages, text messages, phone calls. The housekeepers are supposed to upload the photos of each room and trash bins. Even with all this and my personally driving to some they don't make it out or don't make it in. Id say only 5% of people tie trash bags. Missed for a week or two and its offensive. Morning walkers catch on quick to the static olfactory offense
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